330 Computer Science Solved TMA (English Medium) - NIOS Class 12 Computer Science 330 Assignment Answers With Project Work

Computer Science 


 1.Answer any one of the following questions.

  1. What is CPU? How does it work?

The computer does its primary work in a part of the machine we cannot see, a control center that converts data input to information output. This control center, called the central processing unit (CPU), is a highly complex, extensive set of electronic circuitry that executes stored program instructions. All computers, large and small, must have a central processing unit. As Figure 1 shows, the central processing unit consists of two parts: The control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit. Each part has a specific function.

Before we discuss the control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit in detail, we need to consider data storage and its relationship to the central processing unit. Computers use two types of storage: Primary storage and secondary storage. The CPU interacts closely with primary storage, or main memory, referring to it for both instructions and data. For this reason, this part of the reading will discuss memory in the context of the central processing unit. Technically, however, memory is not part of the CPU.

Recall that a computer's memory holds data only temporarily, at the time the computer is executing a program. Secondary storage holds permanent or semi-permanent data on some external magnetic or optical medium. The diskettes and CD-ROM disks that you have seen with personal computers are secondary storage devices, as are hard disks. Since the physical attributes of secondary storage devices determine the way data is organized on them, we will discuss secondary storage and data organization together in another part of our on-line readings.

2.Answer any one of the following questions.

What is network topology?

Network topology refers to how various nodes, devices, and connections on your network are physically or logically arranged in relation to each other. Think of your network as a city, and the topology as the road map. Just as there are many ways to arrange and maintain a city—such as making sure the avenues and boulevards can facilitate passage between the parts of town getting the most traffic—there are several ways to arrange a network. Each has advantages and disadvantages and depending on the needs of your company, certain arrangements can give you a greater degree of connectivity and security.

There are two approaches to network topology: physical and logical. Physical network topology, as the name suggests, refers to the physical connections and interconnections between nodes and the network—the wires, cables, and so forth. Logical network topology is a little more abstract and strategic, referring to the conceptual understanding of how and why the network is arranged the way it is, and how data moves through it.

3.Answer any one of the following questions.

  1. Write the steps for sending an attachment in E-mail.

  1. On your computer, go to Gmail.

  2. Click Compose.

  3. At the bottom, click Attach Attach.

  4. Choose the files you want to upload.

  5. Click Open.

Tip: Add an image by dragging it directly into the compose window.

4.Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words.

(a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of GUI based operating system?

(b) What are the different types of networks? Write in detail. (See Lesson 5)

5 Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 – 150 words.

(a Differentiate between (See Lesson 6)
(i) Instant messaging and chat rooms.
(ii) FTP and HTTP.

(b) What are the benefits of using FOSS? (See Lesson 11)
6. Prepare any one project out of the two given below.
(a) You are preparing your assignment for your subject. Write your answers using the
OpenOffice Writer software. Format the document by applying the font – Times New
Roman, size – 12. Insert bullets in the document wherever it is needed. Insert a 4 x 4
table and write your basic details such as first name, last name, roll no, age, class etc.
Use the basic character formatting tools such as bold, italics, underline etc., in your document. (See Lesson 8, 29)

(b) You are the project manager of a software firm. You have to address your client about
your firm by mentioning the various achievements and projects of that firm. Prepare a
presentation that will help you to explain them in an interesting and interactive manner

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